Anticipatory Anxiety in Times of Change
December 3, 2016Telemental Health Option
February 25, 2017In one 2003 study, gratitude experts Robert Emmons of the University of California at Davis and Michael McCullough of the University of Miami asked participants to keep a record of what they were grateful for, while others were asked to list the hassles in their lives. After several weeks, those in the gratitude group had a more positive outlook on life, exercised more and reported fewer physical problems.
This study absolutely supports a reason to be thankful. Most of us believe this to be a truth as we have seen it expressed in our own lives. There are many ways to say thanks yet have you noticed how that expression seems to have gotten lost in our society?
Thanks show an appreciation and express to that person that you have recognized the effort they made on your behalf. For me, it is not the words you use, it is the fact that you took the time to acknowledge the “gift”. John Amodeo, Ph.D., shared that, “Perhaps words are not even necessary. A smile, a deep breath, soulful eye contact, or a warm hug might say volumes more than any words. Such non-verbal responses—perhaps melded with a sincere “thanks”—can be very intimacy-building.”
Psychologically expressing thanks plays a very big role for both the person giving and the person receiving the thanks. Since, for most of us, expressing our thanks is an everyday occurrence, we often forget the psychological impact it has in our lives.
So lest I forget, thanks to you all for playing a part of my life be it personally or professionally. The impact you have on me daily is quite appreciated and I hope you feel the blessings of your kindness!
“Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.” – G.B. Stern