What is Depression?
A condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason.

When we use the term depression, we are referring to depressive disorders of a significant severity and duration, with specific symptoms. Everyday temporary “blues” or sadness are not depression; nor is normal grief and loss. There are many types of depression and we can help you determine which type has affected your life.
The kind of depression that requires treatment affects a person’s mood, thinking, bodily functions, and behavior in many ways. There typically is a feeling of sadness or anger; a loss of interest or pleasure in things, people or activities; along with negative thoughts and feelings of worthlessness. These are just a few of the symptoms seen when one is depressed.
Symptoms can include, but are not limited to:
- Sad, depressed mood
- Sleep fluctuation
- Loss of interest
- Lack of energy and motivation
- Desire to isolate
- Feeling helpless, hopeless or worthless
Depression signals that something is seriously wrong. When this occurs you should ask yourself: “What are my feelings telling me?” It is helpful to talk with your primary care physician, a close friend, or a licensed therapist to help you find the best way to resolve your depression.
Just as depression takes many forms, it also has many possible causes. In fact, depression is almost always caused by a combination of factors. Depression is a complex issue which requires compassion and support to resolve. There are a number of effective treatments for depression to include psychotherapy and medication management.
We are here to assist you in assessing your situation and finding the most effective course of treatment to resolve this emotional concern.