July 27, 2013Stubbornness is not Humility
August 10, 2013Change is to make the form, nature or future course of something different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone. It is to transform or convert. Can people really change? Most people believe that we cannot change but that assumption is wrong. We humans have this wonderful capacity to change quickly and easily. Unfortunately we can change back just as fast.
Life circumstances change slowly in comparison to our desire to have the change. For example a person wants to lose 50 pounds so the eating behavior is changed. Even with that it takes time for the weight to come off and, in the meantime, the person decides the new habits are not working so they stop. This type of behavior instills the belief that change is not possible. The truth is that we give up too soon. It is important that we recognize the time lag between our change of action and our change of circumstances.
Try these simple steps if you really want to change your life: (1) Keep the focus on the change of ACTION (2) Recognize weaknesses and devise a plan of action to manage each (3) Evaluate and make necessary adjustments from time to time as you move forward.
Worthwhile change takes time. Don’t get discouraged. Believe in yourself and your goals. Most importantly: Keep It Simple! A change of habit takes time to develop and needs to be present automatically. So easy steps that you practice, practice, practice will get you to your goal and keep you there!
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn